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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Catfight on the Bed

1 comment:

  1. The Underground Phenomena
    Fetish Photographer & Filmmaking legend, *Marc Breed’s…

    Cleveland Interracial Foxy-Boxing’s Blog

    Featuring, Black-Bombshell, Simone ‘the double-D destroyer of Playboy models’. “Where every bout is guaranteed to end in knockout, or your money back” !

    And, where live audience members, can “catch a tooth, and we’ll pay you $50 bucks” !


    Pay-Per-View, live video feed available @ $9.95 [via Paypal, checks or money orders]

    Checks payable, to:
    Mark Gargiulo
    1305 West 80th Street
    Box 302
    Cleveland, OH 44102
    (URL to be provided-be sure to include your e-mail address with remittance)

    *See Wikipedia [listed under ‘fetish artists’ contemporary photographers]. Interracial Foxy-Boxing; was introduced in Cleveland, Ohio, in the Winter of 2000.
