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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Action Sports Topless Boxing Stephanie vs Toni part 1


  1. To Toni: The reason Stephanie is much more effective in pummeling your lovely tits is due to your wide open stance. You hold you fists too far apart, so you have little defense; she can easily get inside. By comparison, Stephanie always holds her fists closer together directly over her chest for good defense. Her tits are much harder to get to. Another tactic she has is to knock your left glove defense down with her left hand, then she comes right in at your undefended tits. That's how she wins. those blows must hurt your beautiful tits.

  2. To Toni: The reason Stephanie is much more effective in pummeling your lovely tits is due to your wide open stance. You hold you fists too far apart, so you have little defense; she can easily get inside. By comparison, Stephanie always holds her fists closer together directly over her chest for good defense. Her tits are much harder to get to. Another tactic she has is to knock your left glove defense down with her left hand, then she comes right in at your undefended tits. That's how she wins. those blows must hurt your beautiful tits.
